Sunday, March 22, 2015

03.22.2015 Sunday

Got the shed painted this weekend. The boyfriend and I started talking about what the future will bring career-wise. More specifically where his career might take him. It's unlikely it will be where I currently am. This was making me stress out about the projects I want to do for the house. My good friend KW helped by telling me to live in the now. I'm not currently moving. I'm living here. Live in the now! I have a lot of trouble with this, but it's also clearly causing me a lot of un-needed stress. Who knows where the next 2-3 years will take us. Meanwhile, this is where I live. This is the house I own. I want to make it mine, tidy it up, make it mine.

That's what I need to remind myself. I am not currently faced with the proposition of moving. Currently, I live here, I work here. This is my house and my home. I'm going to do what I'm going to do.

Raised beds. Chickens. Fence. Landscaping. Fruit trees and or berry bushes. I do what I want.

I just saw this quote on Project Happiness, I think it applies.

"Don't let someone dim your light, simply because it's shining in their eyes."

I realize M may have his concerns about if I will leave to move to be with him but right now there isn't something for me to leave to, just an idea of what the future might hold. For now I will focus on me and that means, health, tests and also house and doing the improvements and projects that I want to do. It also gives me a chance to figure out what I want/like/am willing to do on my own without him around to help/hinder.

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